Hybrid work: a road already taken, now to be optimized

Working in "hybrid" mode can benefit companies and workers: it attracts talent, boosts efficiency, productivity and employee satisfaction levels, and at the same time positively affects business flexibility and agility.

The shift to hybrid work is both technological and cultural. Therefore, it is necessary for companies to adopt the most suitable roadmaps to ensure an efficient and profitable transition. In other words, it is an opportunity to make progress in the digital transformation process.

The singular situation the world has experienced in recent years has led more companies than ever before to gear up to allow a significant number of employees to work remotely, in the mode that the media has dubbed “smart working,” also referred to until recently as ” teleworking.” Hence, there has been a considerable effort by IT teams to rapidly configure and deploy appropriate devices, infrastructure, and software to meet, on the one hand, user expectations and, on the other hand, business needs, especially in terms of security and budget.

Meanwhile, co-workers and employers have discovered the inherent advantages of remote, or better identified as “hybrid,” work, which seems to be establishing itself as the prevailing model today.

Benefits on both sides

The advantages? Workforce satisfaction and well-being, efficiency, productivity, collaboration, and flexibility in everyday work. And on the workforce front, larger talent pool, fewer geographic limitations, attractiveness to more qualified candidates, reduced turnover.

That’s not all: companies’ hybrid work initiatives are in tune with their commitment to sustainability through less travel and consequently significant savings for those who work.

Research by Vanson Bourne highlighted, the benefits of hybrid work according to IT managers: higher worker satisfaction and well-being (56 percent); higher productivity (52 percent); more efficiency (49 percent); lower operating costs (45 percent); more innovation (44 percent); better collaboration (36 percent); lower staff turnover (32 percent); and larger talent pool (32 percent).

How to get there: the 6 cornerstones

Personalized digital workspaces:
Devices, software and peripherals that optimize user experience and collaboration.

Collaboration and intelligence between users and devices:
Automation and AI-powered software foster constant and optimal adaptability to business objectives.

Flexibility of technology consumption:
Criteria for simplicity, choice and control at the entire IT environment, and a strategy oriented toward as-a-service models.

Inherent and holistic security:
In hardware and solutions, devices, data, resources, users, access, aligned with business strategy rather than individual approach, at applications and data centers, on cloud and on-premises.

Hybrid cloud scalability:
Preference for flexibility of aaS models and multicloud approach.

An appropriate network for consumption:
A network that can support intensive uses but is also correctly sized, without waste but providing capacity and bandwidth.

Paola Ghezzi

Paola Ghezzi

Marketing Manager

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