While our millennial sees data as a company’s most valuable asset, with an increasingly complex, dynamic, and distributed structure and the need for total protection, it is also true that budgets for IT departments, resources, and time, are more and more limited.
In addition, with the spreading of digitization in recent years, we are also witnessing an incredible increase in cybercrime, which consequently forces companies to implement security measures to achieve optimal protection of their sensitive information.
This constantly evolving IT landscape means that the internal team’s task list does not always have sufficient room for operations such as backups, with the risk that an initially small and harmless event, if not properly handled, will turn into something overwhelming for the entire company with consequences in terms of turnover and reputation.
The Managed Data Protection service: the road to the future
With a tight schedule and the constant pressures from management in terms of results and cost control, it is necessary for every company to identify what are the strategic activities to keep in-house and those that do not bring any added value. Certainly, the operations to maintain data protection, such as backup and disaster recovery, are among those that due to skills, responsibilities, and proactivity it is advisable to let an external partner to handle.
That is why, there is a steady increase in the number of companies choosing to rely on MSPs (Managed Services Providers) to protect their data, which, in addition to easing the workload of the in-house team, makes it possible to successfully address most of the daily challenges:
- Increased risk of data loss due to outages, disasters, or attacks
- Growing costs
- Increased complexity of regulatory compliance
- Protection of data regardless of its location
- High volume and value of data produced
In addition, this managed service offers:
- Mitigation of logical and physical risk
- Discharge of responsibility
- All-inclusive fee and cost predictability
- Single point of contact
- Flexibility and scalability
- Proactivity and prevention
It is estimated that even in recent years about 59% of IT services have been moved from the traditional break-fix model to a managed service model (451 Research, 2022), confirming the validity of this choice.
The cloud: your travel fellow
Given the amount of data generated day after day, it is almost unsustainable for most companies to maintain and continue to expand on-premise servers to keep up with a similar rate of growth. Thus, the cloud turns out to be the ideal choice for anyone who needs access to a scalable and secure solution, which, in addition, helps to define policies, procedures and controls to keep their data safe, especially in hybrid and multi-cloud environments. Indeed, by creating a copy of the data in the cloud, it makes it accessible from anywhere and protected in a secure cloud environment, they ensure that (at least) one copy remains intact, even in the event of a breach.